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How to Ride a Motorcycle in Unexpected Weather

November 19, 2019 / 1269 / Blog, News, News 2019
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Here in the northeastern corner of the United States, we’re no strangers to severe and sometimes unpredictable weather. Be it winter, spring, summer or fall, you don’t know what you can really expect sometimes in terms of precipitation or fluctuating temperatures.

As an avid motorcyclist, it’s important that you do what you can to remain safe while riding in unexpected weather conditions. American Harley-Davidson® in North Tonawanda is your Upstate New York motorcycle dealer, so we’ve provided the following recommendations to help you keep yourself in one piece no matter what the weather is like.

Figure Out If It’s Safe

It’s best to start by deciding whether or not it’s even safe for you to travel in bad weather. There are several different factors you’ll need to consider when making this decision. First, think about your own riding ability. If you’re a relatively new rider, then you probably won’t want to do anything risky like attempting to ride in heavy rain or snowy conditions. And if you don’t have a motorcycle that’s capable of handling bad weather, you should also find an alternate means of storage.

Invite a Friend

Another way to keep yourself safe is to not ride alone. If you’re by yourself, especially if you’re going out of town or into the wilderness, then you’re more likely to have issues with illnesses or breakdowns. You’ll need to exercise much more caution if you’re going to be alone, and also let someone back home know where you’ll be going and when you plan to return.

That’s why we recommend that you invite a friend along for the ride. Not only will it make things much more fun and enjoyable to share the journey with someone, but you’ll also have a person to help you with repairing your bike or addressing an injury that you incur.

Gear Yourself Up

Having the right gear on hand is another way to help yourself out when it comes to riding in unexpected bad weather. You should always carry some waterproof rain gear so that you can stay dry while you ride. You can invest in a one-piece riding suit for warmth and security and your motorcycle boots should have good tread and be waterproof as well.

Stock your bike with all the supplies you might need for the duration of your ride. This includes your repair kit, first-aid kit, signal flares, emergency radio, food, water, spare clothing and medications, along with your cell phone and a charger so you can stay in touch. Pack all of these items securely so that they don’t get wet or ruined by bad weather.

Exercise Caution

As a motorcyclist, you’re probably already well-versed in how to remain vigilant and look ahead to make sure that you can handle changing traffic conditions. When it comes to bad weather, it’s important that you slow down, focus your attention and watch other motorists’ maneuvers to protect yourself. Try to stick to the center of the road to avoid pooling water, and don’t be afraid to take more breaks than normal or even cut your ride short if conditions worsen to the point that you no longer feel it’s safe to ride.


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